Made for Pursing Pixels GameJam, the theme is Parallel.

You are two competing brothers for Gems, the highest score wins.

You control player one, A and D to move avoid the rocks collect gems to add to the score and speed up play. Speed-up gem has a slight shake to it, keep an eye out for it.

Player two is the computer.

Good Luck


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Overall a nice little entry that utilizes the theme well. The gameplay loop is satisfying and the intro is funny and well made.

Gameplay wise the rocks felt a bit “weird” to me in the sense that they seemed like falling but not really doing anything else, did I miss something with that?

Also, sound levels, please double check your audio levels before publisinhg! Atm 15 on the leaderboard!

I really like the fact that you put a cutscene in this game. It sounds like a lot of work went into this. The enemy ai is also very cool; it gives the game a good amount of challenge. The way you can just stack the speed increase forever until you hit a rock made this super fun. I also really like the title screen animation

Thanks for playing the game! yep the cutscene took awhile glad you liked it :) Its very useful to know what people like and didn't like so much. So cheers for taking the time to post feedback and the kind words. Good job again on your game you had some nice animation work :)

Very cool pixle art animation at the start and good voice acting

Very cool game   :D

Best voice acting I've ever seen

Thanks for saying so :)

Well done, that was fun.

Cheers glad you enjoyed it :)

Wow, it turned out to be a very cool game.pleasant gameplay. Everything is clear, even the plot is there along with the rating table

Cheers for playing dude! Thanks for the positive words also.